We watched White Christmas the other night, on Tuesday. It's been a long standing family tradition to watch White Christmas the first time we get a good snow that sticks. Well, we got about an inch or so Monday night and it stuck around...in fact, it's still here. So we watched one of my favorite movies of all times.
Roland absolutely loved it. He sat on my lap for about half an hour staring at the screen transfixed. Then he realized that Grandpa had a sucker and he was lost to me...but hey, those 30 minutes were magical. I think I am definitely going to have a Holiday loving boy on my hands. He already loves Christmas music when he and Grandma sit and listen to it on her Nook!
Tomorrow, we will be going to our first Halloween party. I can't wait! It will be so much fun to dress my little man up and take him around to load him up with candy and sweet stuff. I hope he enjoys it...when we went to the homecoming parade a few weeks ago, he could have cared less about it! Monday or Tuesday night we'll carve up some pumpkins, and Wednesday we'll go Trick-or-Treating at a few houses. Mostly to try to score popcorn balls for Grandpa!
Roland is going to be dressing up as a dragon...his costume is so cute it's painful! I've been trying to teach him to roar, and the best I get is a raspberry.
Next week, he'll be 10 months old. This year has gone by so fast already...and my baby boy is becoming such a little man. I feel like it's all gone too fast...I feel like I haven't really stopped to appreciate the baby months.
I am going to start blogging more (hey, where have I heard THAT before) and Roland and I are going to do more activities. Hopefully some artsy type things! He's such a sweet, amazing, beautiful and intelligent boy...I just can't wait to see what the next year in our lives brings.
Our lives have been anything but boring! From the birth of our Sprog to struggling to make ends meet while PastorMan worked towards his ordination, it has been one adventure after another. But now, we have our first call, and it's time to settle into life as an Unexpected Pastor's Wife.