Your Baby in Week 7 of Pregnancy
Your baby is now about the size of a blueberry (and about 10,000 times bigger than he was at conception). Most of that growth is concentrated in the head as new brain cells are generated at the rate of 100 per minute. Your baby's mouth and tongue are forming as arm and leg buds sprout, and those little kidneys are getting ready to do their job (pee production and excretion).Learn more about your baby this week and baby's development.
Your Body in Week 7 of Pregnancy
Your baby might be the size of a blueberry, but your breasts probably look more like melons. By this point, some expectant moms have grown a full cup size, which might be welcome news if those boobs weren't so darn tender. The culprits? Those naughty (though necessary) pregnancy hormones again, along with an increase in blood flow and a buildup of fat — all essential to the task your body can perform in about eight months:breastfeeding your newborn!Learn more about your body this week and swollen breasts during pregnancy.
Week 7 Pregnancy Tip: Food Aversions
If one look at a chicken breast is sending you flying out the door these days (or if the smell of Swiss is making your digestive tract yodel with anguish or the taste of fish is leaving you reeling), you're in good company. Pregnancy aversions are not only very common, they are also quite confusing, especially when your once-favorite food suddenly leaves you cold — and ready to puke. My advice: Cater to your new tastes, by all means. Stay bland and boring (not your personality…your food), find substitutes for foods you have an aversion to (think quinoa for protein if you can't stand the sight — and smell — of meat), and rejoice if your aversions are to foods that you're supposed to be avoiding anyway (sushi aversion, anyone?).
Learn more about eating well in the first trimester.
Week 7 Pregnancy Symptoms
Frequent urination: Between the nausea and the need to pee, you’re still spending a lot of time in the bathroom these days. The pregnancy hormone hCG is increasing the blood flow to your pelvic area (that’s good news if you’re up for having sex), and that in turn affects the other flow. Don’t cut back on liquids, though (but you may want to cut back on coffee, which is a diuretic). Your body (and baby!) needs a steady supply of fluids during pregnancy.
Fatigue: Of course you’re tired — you’re still engaged in the Herculean task of manufacturing the placenta (your baby’s life-support system) as well as getting used to all those conflicting emotions you’re experiencing. One way to fight fatigue is by eating smaller meals more often. (It’ll help your queasy stomach, too). Eating six mini meals will keep your blood sugar on an even keel, and that in turn will help your energy level. Just make most of those mini meals healthy ones!
Breast tenderness and changes: Are your breasts sprouting blue veins that are beginning to make them look like an interstate highway map? In fact, these veins do act like highways: They transport the nutrients and fluids from you to your baby after he (or she) is born. To minimize sagging and stretch marks later on, invest in a good bra now (maybe even a maternity one that will give you more support).
Nausea and vomiting: Don’t choose the nursery colors just yet, but studies do show that moms-to-be who are severely nauseated in the first trimester tend to be carrying girls, thanks to the interplay of hormones produced by you and the female fetus. But regardless of your baby’s gender and how sick you feel, you’ll still want to keep some food down. Stick to foods that appeal to you, even if you’re only eating fruit salads for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (Your baby’s nutritional needs are tiny at this point, so no worries.)
Excessive saliva: As if feeling queasy wasn’t enough, you may also be contending with extra saliva pooling in your mouth. It should pass by the end of your first trimester (only seven more weeks to go!), but until it does, chew lots of sugarless gum.
Food cravings and aversions: Stuck eating the same thing night after night because very few foods appeal to your picky palate now? Don’t worry — you’re not robbing your baby of precious nutrients by eating the same (healthy) thing over and over. If cravings are driving you crazy, give in to them once in a while — then eat well for the rest of the day.
Heartburn and indigestion: If you’ve got a burning sensation from the depths of your stomach to your mouth after you eat, then you’ve got pregnancy-induced indigestion and heartburn. Avoid your heartburn triggers (spicy or fatty foods, caffeinated drinks, whatever does it to you) and drink either before or after you eat — too much fluid mixed with too much food will distend your stomach and aggravate the burn.
Constipation: If pregnancy has clogged up the works for you, you’re not alone. The muscles in your bowels have relaxed so the food you eat can stay around your system longer. That’s good for your baby — more nutrients for her (or him) — and bad for you since sluggish bowels can leave you feeling, well, sluggish too. A good way to get things moving is to get your fill of the good bacteria found in probiotics. Find yogurts that contain active cultures and eat one a day (or take a probiotics supplement after checking with your practitioner). Probiotics will stimulate the intestinal bacteria to break down food better and help your digestive track keep things moving.
Ok, on the boob thing...yes. Yes, yes yes. They are SO sore. Not just the nipples...the WHOLE thing! Ouch. And they're bigger. At this rate, I think they'll take over Japan.
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