Dear Sprog,
So, it's 23 weeks, you'll be in our arms in roughly 17 weeks, give or take a little or maybe right on time.. it would be swell of you to be on time. Although I'm not certain if you'll be on time.. we'll get to that later. So, here's the thing.. let's be honest I wasn't sure if I wanted you, your mom wasn't either.. when we first found out about you.. we were frankly very frightened. Now with only 17 weeks to go we're incredibly excited. I know the first part might be hard to swallow, but I want you to understand how much more this means to us now that we're excited and happy to have you. You might be curious to know what changed things, why we're excited to have you when we were terrified at first. I don't know why your mother is, you'll have to ask her that or go read her letter I think that will make a lot of sense for you, but for me.. I was washing dishes and listening to Celtic music and I thought back to listening to Celtic music with my dad, going to music festivals and concerts and I realized the obvious, that when you're born I'll be able to share that with you, and so many other things.
I'm really looking forward to sharing so much with you, sharing my favorite foods with you and learning what your favorite foods are. Seeing things from your perspective is going to be so amazing, I know that I'll get the opportunity to see things with the wonder and excitement that you do and I look forward to nurturing that. Perhaps your mother is right and you'll be born with your personality, perhaps we help create that personality in you, I think it's a little bit of both. I promise that any impact from your mother and myself will be done with the utmost care. I'm looking forward to our sharing our love for music, art, science and all sorts of things with you. I'm also looking forward to seeing you for the first time, and now we get to that promised subject. On my birthday, which was August 1st, your mother and I went to find out what sex you are.. unfortunately you were being a little brat and refused to show us. At least you showed us that you were happy and healthy. Every time your mother tells me that you're kicking or moving around and I go to see you stop moving around. What I would like you to do is not be a brat and if you could possibly make it up to us by being born a day early I promise it will be really cool for you.. if alternatively you could be born say a week earlier, that would be even better so that you can celebrate your birthday with the other kids in your class.. Something to think about. And finally since we're still on the topic here's some of your first fatherly guilt tripping, you thought moms were the only ones that did it didn't you? Hah guess again.. So.. your mom and I have changed our lives a lot for you. I'm attempting to go into the Navy as a Chaplain which has already required a lot, certainly you're not the only reason why I'm doing this but you are a big part of it, so.. just come a week early or at least a day early okay?
I am really excited to see what you have to show us, but I'm also excited to show you new things in addition to music and art, your mother and I have been involved in a global role playing organization called the Camarilla, which has been fun, we're both taking steps back so we can do things with you, show new things to you. One of the things we're both really excited to do with you is the Society for Creative Anachronism.. I really look forward to showing you how to fight, singing songs with you, and enjoying a roaring fire.. Frankly it's going to be awesome. I want you to know that we are really excited to enjoy these things with you and so much more. I also look forward to holding you, to watching you at school plays and music performances if that's what you'd like to do or sporting events, whatever you want to do as long as it's healthy we will support you. Most of all I want you to know that I'm looking forward to loving you, and I love you now.
Your Abba,
Ok, that totally made me're going to be an awesome Abba.