Several months ago, I had this bright idea. You see, we have a local gym (local being Havre, which is 40 miles away, but I digress) that does gymnastics and cheerleading and all kinds of fun stuff. I knew for a fact that they did little kid tumbling.
I have a little kid. He's full of piss and vinegar. Let's see how old they have to be to start tumbling!
I figured it would be 3 or something, but I wanted to get an idea.
And there it was. Diaper DareDevils. A class dedicated to babies. Kids that can walk to age three. Of course, at the time, he wasn't quite walking yet, so we had to wait.
And wait.
And wait some more.
He started really walking after Christmas. While we were in Iowa, Oma offered to help pay the tuition for his first session of classes. When we got back, by the time he was really walking around well, I was deep into school work. Although I hated to make him wait, I really couldn't spare the evenings to take him to class.
And then, after school was done, someone came down with a terrible bout of RSV. So we waited some more.
And then, of course, we had a night of not sleeping followed by a day of the grumpys. Bad idea to take him to something new when he was already in a crabby mood.
Finally, the day came. Last night, we packed the boy child up and sped off to our first class. He had so much fun! There were five or six other little kids there, all of them girls of course. I always knew my son would grow up to be Big Pimpin'. The little ones basically were given free reign over certain pieces of equipment.
We started in the pit full of smooshy balls that had a beam over it. He stood on top of the blocks and wasn't quite sure what to think. After that, Daddy put him on the tumbling trampoline thingy-bobber. He was not pleased with this at all. So, I snagged him, gave him a cuddle, and we sat on it together. And he took off. It took him a little while to realize that he could jump on it, but he ran and crawled up and down, and tumbled off the edge onto the mat.
We ran around, walked on the balance beam, played with a massive ball, and stood proudly atop the vault. It was glorious.
By the end of the class, he was cheerfully wading through the smooshy blocks, and working to impress the ladies. Several of them weren't thrilled with his advances (we've gotta teach him that he's got to be smooth and gentle to the girls...pulling their hair and smacking at them won't make him any friends) but there were a few others that were willing to play with him. He was the youngest one there, the next youngest being 16 months old.
Colin and I both had a lot of fun as well. We visited a little with the other parents, which was nice. I feel horribly out of place with the other moms though. All of them look like they're gymnasts too--all tiny and adorable. Here I am in my yoga pants and tanktop. Yeah, ladies...I'm freakin' lucky I got a shower today. Don't judge me! But everyone was very nice, super friendly, very welcoming. Roland got along well with the little girls, and was just his normal charming self.
Right now, we signed him up for one class a week. I think that we're going to change that, and start taking him twice. Mondays and Wednesdays for 45 minutes. Theoretically, it'll help him blow off some energy, and it won't hurt him at all to get into a sport at a young age. When we move to Missoula, we'll be signing him up at a gym there, provided he's still enjoying himself.
And now--a picture! The future gold medal Olympian gazes off into the future, towards his hopes and dreams and many medals! Oh, and cookies. Don't forget the cookies...
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