An argument on a dear friends facebook page really bothered me today. I wanted to respond and wade into the fray, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It was a battle that I couldn't bring myself to face today.
I like to think that I am a pretty open and accepting person. I try not to judge people based on their lifestyles, and I don't mind having a disagreement with a friend. I can discuss and argue a topic with someone, and we can still walk away caring about one another. There are a few topics that I can't really bend on, but there aren't very many of them.
I have friends from all walks of life. Gay, straight, bi-sexual, transsexual, asexual, kinky, vanilla, poly. I have friends who are Christians and friends who are Atheists and friends who are Satanists and friends who are Pagans and Wiccans and Pastafarians. I have friends who are Rebulicans and friends who are Democrats and probably even a few Tea Partiers. I have friends who are pro-life and I have friends who are pro-choice. I've got a pretty wide spread.
The conversation that I saw today was insane. It was disrespectful and it was just horrible.
I like having heated discussions and I like debating with my friends. I like to hear different sides of any story, and I am happy to sit down with someone online or in person and debate and discuss over a beer or a pizza or around a campfire. These conversations with my friends sometimes get heated, and sometimes people get irritated and angry. That's only natural, especially when you are talking about one of the big topics that gets people going--politics, religion, gay marriage, abortion.
The point is, when these conversations are finished, we can usually walk away from it and still be friends. While the conversation might get heated, the attacks don't get personal. That is the way that debate and discussions like this should be. Sure, sometimes you are going to lose a friend over differing views, but for the most part, both parties should be able to walk away on friendly terms.
I expect my friends and family to maintain a certain level of decorum when they are debating on my facebook. I have a lot of friends who disagree with me on many topics, and most of the time they just don't get into it with me. When they do, it's usually in a polite manner. If I were to see someone on my facebook attacking someone else or being overly rude and out of line, I will delete them. There is just no reason for it.
Now that that is out of the way...
Westboro Baptist Church. They are a horrible group of people. No, really. They're absolutely despicable. I challenge you to find someone who will tell you that they agree with the things the WBC has done. I know there are people who agree with their views on homosexuality, but that's different. I don't agree with that, but it's still different.
As I said, I know a lot of people. From super conservative Christians to hardcore Atheists, and not a single one of them (to my knowledge, and if they do, they should unfriend me right now) agrees with the things that the WBC has done. I've asked many of my Pastor Wife friends, and none of them can think of anyone they've ever met that agrees with them either. The KKK thinks they're a horrible hateful group, for God's Sake!
Let me say that again. No one likes the Westboro Baptist Church. No one agrees with the things they do. No one approves of their actions.
I've been told that because I'm a Christian, and because they claim to be Christians, that I am just like them. That I am responsible for their actions.
I'm sorry, but I have to call bullshit on that. They may claim to be Christians, but they are NOT my brothers and sisters in Christ. They claim Christianity, but Christianity doesn't claim them.
And you know what? That is just like saying, 'That man over there raped a woman. Since you're a man, you're a rapist too.' or, 'Muslims bombed the World Trade Center and were terrorists. Since you're Muslim, you're a terrorist too.' Sorry. That doesn't fly. The fact that we VERY LOOSELY share a religious text means nothing. Why? Because they're completely ignoring the whole 'Love thy neighbor' thing. Which is one of the biggies.
I identify as a Christian, but that doesn't mean that I am a hateful bigot. I think anyone who knows me at all can tell you that is not true. I identify as a Christian, but I have nothing in common with the Westboro Baptist Church. I know a lot of Christians, and everyone one of them is a good person. They may disagree with certain things (particularly gay marriage and abortion) but they would never wish death on those people or being horrible to them.
I know that Christians get a bad rap, in great part due to the WBC. Unfortunately, the shit-heads in the world get a lot more publicity than, say, Justin Lee. Or the way that the United Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ have become completely open and affirming, working closely with LGBT groups. The good that is done is rarely talked about, because the people who are doing good don't make much of a fuss about what they are doing.
I guess what I'm saying is--don't judge a book by it's cover. Just because I'm a Christian doesn't mean I am full of hate and bigotry. Give people a chance to show you who they are through their actions, rather than assuming you know them based on their faith.
Heck even Baptists denounce them.