Monday, November 7, 2011

What I am thankful for - part 2

Today, I am thankful for our son.

Every wiggle and kick that he delivers gives me a warm feeling.  Even though it hurts sometimes, it just thrills me to feel him moving around.  It reminds me that he is there, and it reminds me that he is healthy and happy and safe.  I love when he starts to move when I'm listening to music or when I'm talking to him.  Even when he's kicking my bladder or sitting in a really uncomfortable position, it still makes me happy.

It's been roughly 27 weeks since we found out I was pregnant, and our lives have already changed so much.  But none of the changes have been bad.  I am thankful for Roland, because I think he has brought Colin and I so much closer.  We still have our fights and we still have our problems, but the knowledge that we have a son on the way makes us both calm down a little and really think when we have those interactions.  We've both sacrificed for him, and we both will continue to do so.

I am thankful that my pregnancy has been so easy.  My whole life I have been told that fat girls have a horrible time having children.  Gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia and miscarriages and difficulties getting pregnant.  I heard horror stories, and it terrified me.  I was terrified that something horrible would happen to the baby or to me.  That my poor health choices would be the reason something bad happened to my child.  I've had back pain, but nothing that isn't manageable.  I've had heartburn, but luckily I invested in Tums.  I had minor morning sickness during the first trimester which sucked, but I'd throw up once and be done for the day.  I know one of Colin's biggest worries was that something horrible would happen to me during this pregnancy.  *knock on wood*  I'm thankful that we've been so lucky.

So I'm thankful for my son, and for the changes he has already made in our lives.  I feel like I am already a different person, even without having met him face to face.


  1. Yay :) I can't wait to see the pictures! Something will be coming your way from me soon. I'm so excited for you!!! :)-DJae

  2. Oh, there will be TONS of pictures! :D hehe, thank you! We're really, really excited too!
