Monday, November 28, 2011

What I'm thankful for - part 5

Today, I am thankful for my family.  Both blood and chosen.

My parents have always been incredibly supportive.  Any time I've been in trouble, they've been there to help.  It was no different when I called them to tell them I was pregnant.  I was pretty upset about it and scared to boot.  They both took off from work early, packed up some stuff, and drove 5 hours to come and see me.  Just to make sure I was going to be ok.  Just having them there for the support was amazing.

Since then, they've continued to be a bastion of support for us both.

In July, we were at my parents house for a family reunion.  At one point, while we were sitting there and relaxing, Colin looked at me and said, 'Let's just stay here.  Let's not go back to Missoula and just live with your parents.'  My mom was sitting there and she readily agreed.  We discussed it with my parents and spent several hours discussing it amongst ourselves.  We eventually decided that yes, moving up here to live with my parents would probably be for the best.

It's been nice living here.  We've redecorated the office and turned it into a nursery.  If we'd stayed in Missoula, Roland wouldn't have had a nursery...he would have been in a room with us.  But he has his own space.  They've helped us get a lot of the baby supplies we needed, from the butt-changing station to the antique bassinet that my dad and brother sanded and refinished for us.  Everyone here is excited about Roland.

Living here hasn't always been easy.  Sometimes, personalities clash.  The house is small and only has one bathroom for 5 adults.  But it's been good.  I feel safe and loved here.  I know that when Roland is born, Colin and I will have an immediate support group who will help us raise him.

And then there are Colin parents, who have also been amazingly supportive.  Their thoughts and prayers and words of encouragement have really helped us get through some difficult times.  They will be here after Christmas to visit us and the baby, and I can't wait to see them.  I wish that we were closer so we could see them more often, but we will make the best of the time we have!

We are so blessed to have such amazing families who support and love us unconditionally.

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