Tuesday, September 6, 2011

24 week checkup!

Even though tomorrow I'll be 25 weeks, finally got in today to see my new doctor for my 24 week checkup.  Well, actually, he is my childhood doctor, which is kind of nice.  I didn't have to fill out any paperwork and he already knows all my family history.  Though it's a little strange that he's the doctor who delivered ME...

Anyway.  The appointment today went well.  I haven't gained any weight since my last appointment, so I am still hovering around my pre-pregnancy weight, which is awesome.

We did more lab work today, which included drinking the horrible Orange Stuff of DOOM.  It tastes like a melted orange freezer pop.  Yuck!  The crap gave me a serious headache and made me feel like I was going to barf.  Then they had to draw blood which was, as always, a treat (note the sarcasm.)  First they went for the big lovely vein in the arm...which they missed.  So they dug.  And dug.  And dug some more.  Owwww.  It's not their fault...it just sucks.  So then they went for the hand, which is almost worse than having my arm dug in to.

The doctors nurse just called and all my blood work came back just fine.  WOOHOO no gestational diabetes!  Whew!  That was one of my big worries.  That crap was NASTY.  It tasted like melted orange freezer pops.  Yuck.

Now to keep the blood pressure down and we'll be good!  The first time the nurse took my bp today it was 160/100...which is totally unheard of for me.  When Dr. Nolan took it a second time it was back down to my normal 120/80'ish, so that's good.

The only downside about the day is that the ultrasound didn't get scheduled when I called.  So...we still don't know if we're having a girl or a boy.  On the bright side, the hospital has a 3-D ultrasound, so when we go in next Tuesday for it, we should get to see what we're having.  Hopefully.  The anticipation is killing me!

In other news, Sprog is getting VERY active.  When the nurse tried to get the heartbeat today, she had it for about 10 seconds before the bratling tumbled away and she couldn't find it again.  There have been lots of acrobatics - kicking and squirming and tumbling.  Colin is able to feel it now too, which is really awesome.

All in all - very good day.  15 weeks to go!  We're getting close, boys and girls!


  1. Personally, I think contrast only tastes like orange freezer pops if they happen to be made of battery acid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btnIRlBidQc (important part starts at :22)

    Otherwise, can't wait to hear how the 3d ultrasound goes.

  2. the sugar test stuff always reminded me of what pure soda syrup would be like, and they're all awful, but the lemon lime is the worst! Glad it all came back great! They always make you feel ill though, it sucks. I always come up borderline on the one hour ones so have to take the 4 hour both times I was pregnant, that really sucks. Can't wait for the ultrasound next week!
