Wednesday, August 24, 2011

23 Weeks

One of the websites that sends me e-mails every day also sends me weekly updates.  They tell me how big my baby is (the size of a large Mango!) and different changes in Sprogs body.  It's really helpful for me, because it gives me a real idea of how my body is changing and how our baby is changing.  They also send out weekly activities, some of which are pretty neat...

This Week's Activity:

Write a letter to your baby. You and your child will treasure this gift for years to come. Go with your heart and follow your inspiration. If you need help getting started:
  • Describe your feelings toward your baby and what it's like to know she's growing inside you.
  • Imagine a perfect day with your baby and what you'll do together.
  • Write down your hopes, dreams, and wishes for your baby.
  • Think about what being a mother means to you and your definition of what makes a good mother.

Dear Sprog,

I can't believe that I'm already 23 weeks along.  We've only got 17 weeks left of this, which just seems like not enough time to get ready.  It was 17 weeks ago that I found out we were going to have you, and it's really amazing how much has changed in our lives since then.  It's amazing that we went from being utterly terrified and not certain that we wanted you to being absolutely thrilled by your existence and anxious to meet you.  There was a time there that I didn't think either of us would be able to handle the idea of having you...and now, I can't even imagine what it would be like to not have you.

I've been told that babies are born with their personalities, and I know that you already have yours.  You love to kick me at the most inopportune times, but you stop as soon as your Daddy puts his hand on my belly.  I almost feel like you are making a liar out of me, cause he still can't feel you!  And then that business with the are definitely a brat.

I love the moments when I'm sitting there watching tv or on my computer and I can feel you kicking and squirming away.  I don't usually say anything, but it's just an amazing feeling.  There are times that I forget that you are in there and then there is a squirm, and I remember that in just a few months you are going to make your big appearance.

I started working at the daycare the other day, and it's been an eye opening experience.  I've seen babies from 5 weeks up to 10's amazing to see the different stages.  I just can't wait until you are here so we can go through all of those stages with you, one by one.  It has also reminded me that 2 or 3 will be MORE than enough for us!

Our lives have changed so drastically, even though you aren't even here.  I think both your Daddy and I have grown up a lot...knowing that we have another life on the way that will depend on us completely has made us rethink a lot of things in our lives.  It isn't all about us anymore.  We have to consider you, too.  Vacations won't get to be Conventions we have to make sure we go somewhere that you can come you, something that will thrill you and broaden your horizons.  We're both excited about joining the SCA, because they are so much more family friendly.  And really, who DOESN'T want to see an adorable toddler in garb?  I think you've strengthened our relationship too.  The first few weeks were a little rough, but we fight less then we used to.

I oftentimes wonder what you will be like and what you'll look like.  If you'll be athletic or a nerd, if you'll be musical or tone deaf.  Will you love art or gymnastics or building.  No matter what, we'll be here to support you.  We'll never force you to do something you hate, but we will always push you to be better.

No matter what happens, we love you and we can't wait to meet you.


(Ok, I know I'm pregnant when writing that makes me start bawling...)