Monday, November 7, 2011

Holy Nesting, Batman!

Holy Nesting, Batman!

I've been a busy little bee today. Today, I've done...7 loads of laundry (though I have not folded them, many were sheets and blankets that immediately got put on beds.) Drove mom and dad to Havre, did some shopping at Walmart (I am down to monitor, boppo pillow and baby sling for Roland.) Made my bed. Went through all of my clean clothes and folded them or put them in a space bag to be stored. Made dinner. Started cleaning the Utility room. Bleached and washed all of the hard baby toys that we got at rummage sales and got them into Roland's Toy Box.

Tomorrow, I'm going to finish cleaning Chas' room, finish all the rest of the laundry in the house, get Roland's soft toys washed and in his toy chest, wash the rest of the clothes and blankets we have for him and get those folded and put away. And if I have time/inclination, I might start cleaning the desk in the office. Oh, and wash all of my fabric for baby bibs and burp rags, so I can start on those.

Strangely, I'm not that tired. I mean...I *hurt* because I was doing too much bending and lifting, but I'm not tired. I feel like I could keep going, but there isn't much else I can do right now...let's hope this energy remains! I don't want to sleep for fear it'll fade...

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