Thursday, November 3, 2011

What I am thankful for - part 1

Well, it's November, which means it is time for the yearly 'Month of Thankfulness' rounds.  I'm not going to do one every day.  Not that I don't have that many things to be grateful for, but my brain is lost somewhere in my mid-section, and the likelihood of me remembering to do that is not very high.  So, I'll do a few here and there.

Right now, I am grateful for my husband.  The past 27 weeks since we found out I was pregnant haven't always been easy, but he has always been there for me.  We've had our fights and our tears, and we've both had our stubborn moments, but he really has been a godsend.  Getting up to get me water or food or chocolate, rubbing my feet or my back, hauling my fat ass off the couch or out of get the idea.  He has been amazing and gentle and loving.

My favorite moments are the ones where we are cuddling in bed and he cuddles my belly to include Roland.  I know he is going to be an amazing father from the way he talks to our baby and the way his eyes light up every time he feels or sees my belly move.

I really could not have asked for more.  I have no idea how I would have done any of this without him by my side.  I try to tell him how much I appreciate what he does, but I know that sometimes I don't say it enough.  So, to my husband - thank you for everything.  Thank you for putting up with my hormones, thank you for loving me, and thank you for doing everything you've done to help me get through this pregnancy with my sanity intact.  You have no idea how much it has all meant to me.

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